Die Greifswalder Yacht Rock’n’Rolla hat die Farr30 WM gestern mit einem 4. Platz im letzten Rennen als Gesamtzwölfte beendet.
Claudia schreibt:
„We are all back safely from the Farr30 Worlds. We had a good time and learned a lot!!! First of all, that the fleet is very competitive but we where able to keep up with the good ones at times. Second of all, every little mistake hurts twice as hard in such a close fleet. One half of our races we finished top ten and that showed us, with a little more training we could do much better then 12th. Thank you to everbody who supported us and wished us well and a big Thank you to our crew who made this an enjoyable event. ;0)“
Fotos, Replays, Ergebnisse und mehr gibt’s hier: http://www.sportsxstream.com/Event/2014-Farr-30-World-Championship.html
Und hier gibt’s ein Interview von Claudi: